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Management Bug
A dissatisfied customer feels a business did not provide a product or service as expected. (1)
Your customers are wired to remember negative experiences. For every poor unresolved experience, it takes 12 positive ones to make up for it. That’s why chasing customer satisfaction is a never-ending race. Instead of delighting your customers, your energy is better spent on removing the main causes of their dissatisfaction. (2)
How much does customer dissatisfaction impact your organization?
Hint: it is much more than companies tend to realize. Researchers also found that for every 25 dissatisfied customers, between 200–500 additional people hear about their negative experience! This means that one unhappy customer may, over time, complain to 8 to 20 people! (3)
Customer satisfaction is a moving target. What makes the customer happy today may not make them happy tomorrow. But the causes of customer dissatisfaction are timeless. (2)
Main reasons for customer dissatisfaction:
- Not knowing the customer expectations
- Not meeting customer expectations (4)
What are the true costs, of angry customers, to the business?
- Negative impact on the brand
- The negative impact of word of mouth to friends and family and the much wider audience available…